Pimp this, playa! The special edition DVD of "Spurs on the Water: Broken Spurs LiVE on the Waterfront" is now available! Right now, the disk is available only to 2009 Just in Time Films subscribers.
Just check out everything you get with this set:
Includes the the concert in standard DVD format, 720p HD format, mobile format suitable for iPod/iPhone/Zune, uncompressed WAV audio, tagged MP3 audio, AND the encore from their February show at Headliners!
PLUS: Subscribers also receive the Special Edition DVD of "The Third Sister: A Universal," including the short film in multiple resolutions (1080/24p, 480/30p, and mobile) and an exhaustive collection of making-of materials, all housed in an individually signed and numbered case. Subscribers will also receive the Special Edition DVD of our upcoming third entry in the 48 Hour Film Project, as well as anything else we create this year. If we keep cranking out material at this pace, the $100 rate may not last long!